À propos de LIL

  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral

    2023.11.23  PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral is a subsidiary of RIMAU Group PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral is a coal mining company that is ready to support the supply of domestic needs located in East Barito regency, Central

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Company Profile - EMIS

    2024.2.28  PT Senamas Energindo Mineral is an enterprise based in Indonesia. Its main office is in Central Jakarta. It operates in the Bituminous Coal Underground Mining sector. PT Senamas Energindo Mineral was incorporated on March 25, 2008. 81 (estimated) employees currently work for PT Senamas Energindo Mineral. Headquarters.

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details financial data for PT. SENAMAS ENERGINDO MINERAL of Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta. Get the latest business insights from Dun Bradstreet.

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  • ABOUT US - Agritrade Resources

    2022.4.13  AGRITRADE RESOURCES LIMITED is the owner and operator of PT Senamas Energindo Mineral ("SEM"), a 2,000-hectare coal mine in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia and one of the few Indonesian coal mining companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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  • Agritrade Resources Limited

    2021.10.5  Agritrade Resources owns and operates Senamas Energindo Mineral (“SEM”), a 2,000-hectare coal mine in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The coal produced is marketed under our own brand, SEM coal, a sub-bituminous, low sulphur, low pollutant thermal coal with a calorific value (on an as-received basis) of approximately 3,800

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  • Agritrade Resources Limited

    2012.8.2  Agritrade Resources Limited (“Agritrade Resources” or “the Company”) is the owner and operator of PT Senamas Energindo Mineral (“SEM”), a 2,000-hectare coal mine in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia and one of the few Indonesian coal mining companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral 领英

    PT Senamas Energindo Mineral 在领英上有 1,091 位关注者。 gede pantiyasa Mine Manager at PT Senamas Energindo Mineral

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  • Izin usaha pertambangan PT SEM di Bartim sah

    2021.4.15  Tamiang Layang (ANTARA) - Legal Rimau Group Sulaeman menegaskan bahwa aktivitas pertambangan PT Senamas Energindo Mineral dan PT Rimau Energi Mining di Kabupaten Barito

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Karir Profil Terbaru 2024 ...

    PT Senamas Energindo Mineral. RIMAU GROUP is owner company for coal mining, shipping, and trading company. Cek informasi profil, gaji, dan karir PT Senamas Energindo Mineral terbaru 2024. Cek juga peluang kerja dan internship PT Senamas Energindo Mineral di

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral EJAtlas - Environmental

    Environmental Conflicts of PT Senamas Energindo Mineral. Legal notice / Aviso legal. We use cookies for statistical purposes and to improve our services. By clicking "Accept cookies" you consent to place cookies when visiting the website. For more information, ...

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral, Uncategorized - VYMaps

    PT Senamas Energindo Mineral +62 857-5285-7216 senamas.co.id Jl. Ex Pertamina km No.18, Jaweten, Dusun Tim., Kabupaten Barito Timur, Kalimantan Tengah 73681 ... Pt.prima Coal Chemical (aprox 47 meters) Pertambangan Batubara PT SEM Rimau Tamianglayang Kalteng (aprox 64 meters)

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  • Lowongan kerja PT. SENAMAS ENERGINDO MINERAL ...

    2014.4.23  PT. SENAMAS ENERGINDO MINERAL mengundang Anda yang menarik, muda, dan enerjik untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai Sekretaris, serta dapatkan kesempatan bekerja diperusahaan Tambang Batubara.SEKRETARISKUALIFIKASI :• Wanita, Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)• Belum pernah menikah / Single• Sehat jasmani

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    Senamas Energindo Mineral menggunakan 1 unit Excavator Volvo EC750D dan 5 unit ADT Volvo A40F. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kurangnya lebar jalan angkut yang digunakan pada pengupasan Overburden dengan

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  • Profil perusahaan di PT Senamas Energindo Mineral

    PT Senamas Energindo Mineral RIMAU GROUP is owner company for coal mining, shipping, and trading company. Huge mineable asset drive us to growth our capacity market expansion in Indonesia. We realise our long term aspiration to be the integrated sinergic company is a power to growth in heart of Rimau Group. RIMAU GROUP

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  • PT.senamas energido mineral Tamianglayang - Facebook

    PT.senamas energido mineral, Tamianglayang, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. 1 like. Local business

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  • Cecilia Novi Triana Sihombing - Payroll Officer - PT Senamas ...

    Human Resources Payroll Human Resources Development Payroll Officer Mining Connection needed D3 Business Administration Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Human Resources in career EX HR Payroll Mining Site Kalimantan Pengalaman: PT Senamas Energindo Mineral (Rimau Group) Pendidikan: Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Lokasi:

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  • Leeda Halida - Pit Geologist Quality Control - PT. Senamas ...

    Pit Geologist amp; Quality Control at PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral (Rimau Group) Pengalaman: PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral (Rimau Group) Pendidikan: SMA Negeri 5 Balikpapan Lokasi: Indonesia 500+ koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil Leeda Halida di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota.

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  • gede pantiyasa - Production Manager - PT Senamas ...

    Tamianglayang, Central Kalimantan Geologist PT Senamas Energindo Mineral 2004 - 2009 5 tahun Tamianglayang site , Central Kalimanta ...

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  • luis agromisa - Engineering Geologist - PT. Senamas ...


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  • Arif Khaidir - Supervisor Warehouse Inventory - PT ...

    Disukai oleh Arif Khaidir. Supervisor Warehouse Inventory at PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Pengalaman: PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Pendidikan: Universitas Terbuka Lokasi: Kalimantan Tengah 145 koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil Arif Khaidir di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota.

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  • PT SEM di Bartim, Kalteng, Dituntut Hak 7 Karyawan Ke PN ...

    6 天之前  Kumparan, InfoPBUN - Akibat dari pemutusan harian kerja (PHK) secara sepihak oleh pihak Perusahaan Terbatas Senamas Energindo Mineral (PT SEM) yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara yang berada di Kabupaten Barito Timur (Bartim), Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) terhadap 7 karyawannya, berbuntut pada

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details financial data for PT. SENAMAS ENERGINDO MINERAL of Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta. Get the latest business insights from Dun Bradstreet.

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  • Analisis Tingkat Kesuburan Tanah Lahan Bekas ...

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan tanah di lahan bekas penambangan batubara PT. Senamas Enegindo Mineral. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan informasi tentang kondisi tanahnya yang diharapkan dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam rangka upaya reklamasi dengan tujuan revegetasi di lahan bekas penambangan

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  • Hari Triseptio - Health Safety Environment - PT. SENAMAS ...

    salam kenal saya Hari Triseptio SHE dari PT. Senamas Energindo mineral saya mempunyai sertifikat ahli K3 umum Pelajari lebih lanjut pengalaman kerja, pendidikan, dan koneksi Hari Triseptio serta banyak lagi dengan mengunjungi profilnya di LinkedIn

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  • Analisis Tingkat Kesuburan Tanah Lahan Bekas ...

    2019.8.5  Analisis Tingkat Kesuburan Tanah Lahan Bekas Penambangan Batubara PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral Kabupaten Barito Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah August 2019 Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan 4(2):34 ...

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  • Muhammad Nur Arifin - Mekanik - PT Senamas Energindo ...

    Mekanik di PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Pengalaman: PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Lokasi: Tabalong 29 koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil Muhammad Nur Arifin di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota.

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  • PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral... - Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

    2019.2.1  Senamas Energindo Mineral (PT. Rimau Group) yang bergerak di bidang Pertambangan Batu Bara, membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi : 1. SENIOR MINE ENGINEER Tanggung Jawab : - Membuat base... Lowongan Kerja

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  • Pt. Senamas Energindo Mineral. Buyer from Indonesia

    More Items Similiar to: Pt. Senamas Energindo Mineral. VERIFIED . May-26-23 Wanted : Excavator With Spare Parts Buyer From Turkey Please provide a quotation to the following requirement from importer - Product Name: Excavator With Spare Parts Specifications: Wheel 15 Tons 15 Units Cif Baku Azerbaijan 6 Units -21 Tons Crawler Excavator Normal ...

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  • PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral - Companies House

    Business number. 191980. Registered address. JL. AM. SANGAJI NO. 11 L-M. City. JAKARTA PUSAT. Source: Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Note that the official phone number and address

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  • Mikhael Setiawan - Admin Produksi - PT. Senamas ...

    5 Tahun bekerja di perusahaan tambang batu bara, 2 jabatan yang pernah di pengang dan sampai sekarang admin IT / IT Support dan admin produksi. yang mengajarkan saya multitasking dalam bekerja dan eksplore kemampuan dalam 2 bidang yang berbeda.Setiap orang memiliki ambisi dan tujuan yang berbeda akan jalur karir

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  • Pt. Senamas Energindo Mineral - Facebook

    Pt. Senamas Energindo Mineral. About . See all. Jl A M Sangaji 11 J-M Jakarta, Indonesia. 112 people like this. 112 people follow this. 1,125 people checked in here. Local Business. Page transparency . See all. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and ...

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral LinkedIn

    PT Senamas Energindo Mineral 1,090 followers on LinkedIn. ... PT Hasnur Jaya Utama (Hasnur Group) Mining Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Jobplanet

    Rimau Energindo Mining. Shipping : PT. Rimau Shipping PT. Tri Sukses Wanatama. Trading : PT. Tunas Binatama Lestari. Huge mineable asset drive us to growth our capacity market expansion in Indonesia. We realise our long term aspiration to be the integrated sinergic company is a power to growth in heart of Rimau Group.

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral Karir Profil Terbaru 2024 ...

    Cek informasi profil, gaji, dan karir PT Senamas Energindo Mineral terbaru 2024. Cek juga peluang kerja dan internship PT Senamas Energindo Mineral di sini. PT Senamas Energindo Mineral RIMAU GROUP is owner company for coal mining, shipping, and trading

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  • PT Senamas Energindo Mineral - ContactOut

    To contact PT Senamas Energindo Mineral customer service number in your country click here to find . Explore PT Senamas Energindo Mineral staff directory for direct access to contact details on 183 employees including email

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  • Profil PT Senamas Energindo Mineral, perusahaan tambang ...

    2023.5.30  PT Senamas Energindo Mineral melaksanakan berbagai program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR), seperti pembangunan infrastruktur, dukungan pendidikan, dan program kesehatan masyarakat. Hal ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal dan menciptakan dampak positif jangka panjang di

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  • Sugi Wardoyo - Electrician - PT Senamas Energindo Mineral ...

    Jl. Raya Narogong Bekasi km 19.5. Mengatur team maintenance dalam tugas preventif perawatan dan pemeliharaan, menganalisa dan perbaikan peralatan dan fasilitas perusahaan secara intensif antara lain, hoist crane,gentry crane, burner ketel, power house, lokal panel,water pump, boom lift, forklift, truk.

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  • Liee Rafsanjani - Driver - PT.SENAMAS ENERGINDO ...

    PT.SENAMAS ENERGINDO MINERAL Lihat profil lengkap Liee Melihat siapa yang sama-sama Anda kenal ... Liee Rafsanjani Administrative Assistant di PT. Rencar Sempurna Area DKI Jakarta 1 orang lainnya yang bernama Liee Rafsanjani

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  • T. Nugroho Budi Santoso - Deputy Port Manager - PT ...

    Lihat profil T. Nugroho Budi Santoso di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional terbesar di dunia. T. Nugroho Budi mencantumkan 6 pekerjaan di profilnya. Lihat profil lengkapnya di LinkedIn dan temukan koneksi dan pekerjaan T. Nugroho Budi di perusahaan yang serupa.

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